New products in departments XVI-XVII: XVI-XVII . S1, S2, S3
New products in Early Iron Age department
early iron age
During VI Festival of Educational Films „Edukino 2015”, Warsaw, 26-27 November
our film „From Earth and Fire”
gained an award in category: Archeology.
Lepiglina.com Production and Crusader Films are excited to invite you to the official premiere of our documental movie „From Earth and Fire”.
Screenings will take place at 3 P.M, on 17th of October, in cinema „Świt”, ul. Wysockiego 11 in Warsaw. More information on :
16- 17. O5.2015 VII Turniej Rycerski w Czersku22-24.05.2015 XI Hanzeatycki Targ Solny w Kołobrzegu
30.05.2015 Turniej Rycerski w Okonku
06-07.06 Sławutowo
13-14.06 Turniej w Krotoszynie
19-21.06 Cedyńskie Spotkania z Historią
02- 04.07.2015 IX Ogólnopolskie Spotkania Garncarskie w Lążku Garncarskim
27-29.08.2015 Warsztaty Archeologii Eksperymentalnej, Wolin
31.07-02.08.2015 XXI Festiwal Słowian i Wikingów, Wolin
21-23.08.2015 V Karpacki Festiwal Archeologiczny 'Dwa Oblicza', Trzcinnica
12-20.09.2015 Biskupin, XXI Festyn Archeologiczny "Smaki Przeszłości"
New products in departments : XIII , XIV – XV: TC7, TC9, C15, C18
New products in departments XIV – XV w. : C29, C30, C31
First part of our project „From Earth and Fire” is taking its final shape. At the same time we are working on its next stage which will be a temporary exhibition. The documentary together with exhibition is designed to invite public to interactive journey to world of Early Middle Ages.
Post-season new products in early Middle Ages department : W 19, W 20 and in departments XVI-XVII: CS 10, CS 13, CS 14
This year we're participating in the following festivals in Poland, please feel welcome! on the pictuer a travelling potter!!!!
27-29.VI Leśno
3-5.VII. Lążek Garncarski
7-12.VII Grunwald
13.VII Pruszcz Gdański
20.VII. Giecz
25.VII-3.VIII. Wolin
15-17.VIII Trzcinica "Dwa Oblicza"
6.IX. Grzybowo
" "
Information Ordering:
Joanna "Heidi" Hajduk-Dziewientkowska i Krzysztof "Helfi" Dziewientkowski
tel. 608-174-654
e-mail: lepiglina.com@gmail.com